N's DTKAFO Cunningham Brace Clubfoot Journey

Our Story-
A year and a half ago my daughter was born surprising us with bilateral clubfeet. At two weeks old she began being treated at our local and world renown children's hospital. They had outlined Ponseti treatment and because her clubfeet (cf as we call it in the community) were a surprise, I hadn’t had any time to research. My gut began telling me something was wrong and on a friends advice I searched the internet for support on this journey. I found facebook clubfoot groups and everything changed for the better. We traveled to see Dr. Morcuende who is Dr. Ponseti's successor and the chief medical advisor for the Ponseti International Association. In just 4 casts and a tenotomy procedure; which is where the achilles tendon is cut to allow it to regrow to a proper length in hopes of maintaining the correction, he corrected the mess 13 casts and 4 doctors had made of my daughters feet locally.
Finally my daughter began the maintenance or bracing perdiod of treatment at 5 ½ months old (it should have been when she was 3 months old. She wore the boot and bar brace full time, 22 hours a day with two breaks for bathing, playing, and new socks. During the day she didn’t mind them but she could not sleep longer than 45 minutes to 2 hours at night and naps were nearly nonexistant. I clung to the advice that if we were consistent, she would adjust. Fast forward 4 months, she still wasn’t sleeping and she thrashed and cried. all. night. long! Tears streaming down her face. I saw a post from another mom who was using a single leg brace with great success. It's called the "Dynamic Torsion Knee Ankle Foot Orthotic" or DTKAFO or Cunningham Brace. I began doing my own research, I found and talked with other parents who had used the brace and read about how the brace worked in the technical document. This took some time and in April 2017 I took my little one to Maine to be measured and fitted for the custom made Cunningham Brace/DTKAFO.
This was the right choice for us! My daughter has been in the DTKAFO for over 6 months now and our quality of life has greatly improved! She only wakes 2 to 3 times in 12 hours and isn’t crying at night anymore. She can stretch and even walk in the brace but since taking her first steps at 15 months she’s now walking everywhere and wearing the brace for naps and night time and long car rides. We've had a couple check ups in the last six months and the doctor (who had never heard of the DTKAFO) is absolutely in awe of my daughter's feet and her flexibility. He could hardly even tell she was born with clubfeet or the awful treatment she'd endured that made her feet complex (compounded the issues of clubfoot by compressing her feet/tendons/muscles rather than stretching them properly). He reported that our little one’s flexibility is excellent, that her bones are right where they should be according to his physical exam and xrays and that he doesn’t think she’ll ever have a recurrence!!!!!!! I burst straight into tears! My little one, now 18 months old, is running, climbing and quite agile. Her feet are perfectly symmetrical and the bones and soft tissue perfectly aligned. As a clubfoot mom, that's precisely what i'd always hoped for and what seemed equally out of reach after her feet were made complex. Sticking with the Ponseti Method alone and the boots and bar brace could have led her to having a chance of recurrence as high as 70%. For us, that was simply not an option. Although research on clubfoot is thin at best, it's undeniable that surgical correction and maintenance leads to lifelong chronic pain with many of those having endured this reality, opting for amputation. This will not be the reality for us but i am thankful for the hundreds of conversations with other individuals and parents dealing with clubfoot who've illuminated this stark reality so that it won't always be repeated.
Always follow your gut mommas and daddies! The best thing you can do is your own research. Where there is a lack of research, trust experience and reach out to other clubfoot families. There is no harm in stopping treatment until you can get your little one into more skilled hands, if there are problems with treatment. You know what’s best for your child, fight for it, clubfoot treatment is quite challenging but there are many avenues to success, keep looking, you will find what’s right for your family!
And ALWAYS feel welcome to reach out to us for support or with
questions! Through this journey I was also in graduate school and did
my graduate research on how the clubfoot culture has been created. I
have both looked at this through my mom eyes and the lens of Cultural
Studies, there are a lot of politics involved in cf treatment that
should be taken into account when we work to create effective treatment
paths for clubfoot.
Progress Updates
May 8, 2016
everyone, here is our first update. My love has now
been in the brace for a month. She was previously in boots and bar (bnb)
for 7 months and she was waking every 45 minutes to two
hours crying and thrashing as if she was in pain, tears streaming down
face! (it’s been a long year with improper casting lasting 5 1/2 months
and then bnb!) She is 13 months and getting molars and had a
cold right after we got the brace but her teeth are mostly in and sleep
improved a lot! She doesn’t mind the brace at all if it’s on when she’s
and playing but she is almost walking so she wears it for naps and night
am so grateful for this brace because it has given me some hope that
won’t relapse which I didn’t have before using it. We’ve had an
incredibly hard
clubfoot journey. We were surprised by her cf at birth and when the
method was explained at our local children’s hospital (we live in
Washington) it
sounded very straightforward and they led us to believe after casting
tenotomy she would be ‘cured’. However, the weeks went on and her feet
very complex (the issues associated with her clubfeet-tight tendons and
tissue, was being compounded because the team of doctors were improperly
treating her feet. Once we realized she was receiving failed Ponseti
Treatment we traveled to Iowa for corrective treatment when she was
4 months old(she'd had 13 casts), she had 5 more casts including the
post tenotomy cast and at 5 ½
months old she finally went into bnb. I never imagined she wouldn’t
adjust to
started with the Ponseti bar and after a month tried the Dobbs bar. I
have been doing cf research since my little one was two months old and
because of all
the trouble we’ve had with treatment I’ve been very concerned she would
(for complex clubfeet there's about a 70% relapse rate with the Ponseti
Method) and I would do everything I could to prevent any surgical
including a second tenotomy.
I researched the DTKAFO for a few months after
initially seeing it in Delphine Le Boulanger Reid's updates on the facebook groups "Clubfoot Mommas" and "Clubfoot is Treatable" and after numerous conversations with families
using it and Jerald Cunningham the orthotist in Maine who custom fits the brace to each child, we decided it was
really the best option available to us. After all we’ve been through and the
research I’ve done I’m incredibly confident in the DTKAFO and Jerald’s
Finally, I’m hopeful!
Here’s my love going on about the business of play within minutes and hours of being fitted for it.
Here’s my love going on about the business of play within minutes and hours of being fitted for it.
July 12, 2017
A HUGE Celebration
year ago my daughter’s bilateral clubfeet (bcf) were
being treated with the Ponseti Method of Clubfoot Treatment but little
did we know, treatment was failing her and her feet were becoming
complex. Complex means that the issues associated with clubfoot like
tight tendons, ligaments and soft tissue in the feet, were being
compounded. The doctor had outlined Ponseti
treatment and because her bcf was a surprise at birth I hadn’t had any
time to
research. My gut began telling me something was wrong and on a friends
advice I
searched the internet for support on this journey. I found clubfoot
facebook groups and everything changed for the better. We traveled to
see one of the leading Ponseti Clubfoot doctors
and in just 4 casts and a tenotomy which is where they cut the achilles
tendon allowing it to regrow to the proper length in hopes of sustaining
correction, the doctor had, we thought, corrected the mess 13 casts
and 4 other doctors had made of my daughters feet.
Finally we began bracing at 5 ½ months
old, during the day she didn’t mind them but she could not sleep longer than 45
minutes to 2 hours. I clung to the advice that if we were consistent, she would
adjust. Fast forward 4 months, she still wasn’t sleeping and she thrashed and
cried. all. night. long! Tears streaming down her face. I saw a post from
another mom who was using a single leg brace with great success. I began doing
my own research, I found and talked with other parents who had used the brace
and read about how the brace worked. This took some time and in April I took my
little one to Maine to be measured and fitted for the Cunningham Brace/DTKAFO.
This was the right choice for us!
daughter has been in the DTKAFO for just
over 3 months now and our quality of life has greatly improved! She only
2 to 3 times in 12 hours and isn’t crying at night anymore. She can
stretch and
even walk in the brace but since taking her first steps a little over a
ago she’s now walking everywhere and wearing the brace for naps and
night time. At my daughter's first check up, which we did at a local
hospital where both the Ponseti and French Functional Methods of
CLubfoot Treatment are practiced, the doctor reported that our little
flexibility is excellent, that her bones are perfectly aligned according
to his physical exam and xrays. The doctor said that he doesn’t think
she’ll ever
have a recurrence!!!!!!! I burst straight into tears! Always follow your
gut intuition. You know
what’s best for your child, fight for it, clubfoot treatment is quite
challenging but there are many avenues to success, keep looking, you
will find
what’s right for your family!

October 2017
One year ago and now, glad we're free from the Mitchell Brace (bnb)! Here's N helping make adjustments at her check up with Jerald. It's so helpful to have a team to work with on this clubfoot journey!
One year ago and now, glad we're free from the Mitchell Brace (bnb)! Here's N helping make adjustments at her check up with Jerald. It's so helpful to have a team to work with on this clubfoot journey!

Hi. Our son has clubfoot as well. Just finish casting and surgery. Now on to the bracing. We know he wont tolerate the traditional brace and bar. Looking into Cunningham brace. Are you willing to talk with us about your experience?